What You Need to Know About Polyhouse Farming
Polyhouse farming is an intensive form of horticultural production, which combines the best of both traditional farming and greenhouse technology. This method of farming involves the use of polyethylene tunnels or polyhouses for creating an artificially controlled environment for growing plants. It is an ideal solution for farmers and gardeners who want to extend their growing season and protect their plants from the harsh environmental conditions.
Polyhouse farming has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to produce high quality crops in a short period of time, while reducing the amount of water, fertilizer, and pesticides needed. Additionally, polyhouse farming can be used to grow crops in areas where traditional field cultivation is difficult or impossible.
Here, we’ll learn more about polyhouse farming:

Why Polyhouse Farming Is Popular in India
Polyhouse farming has been gaining popularity in India over the last few years. This type of farming is a hybrid form of farming that combines the advantages of greenhouse and open field cultivation. It is an ideal farming system for certain crops that require controlled environmental conditions for optimal growth.
In India, polyhouse farming is popular due to its numerous advantages. Firstly, it helps to protect the crops from extreme weather conditions and pests. As polyhouses are covered from all sides and have a controlled environment, the crops are not affected by the unpredictable weather. Moreover, it helps to protect the crops from pests and diseases. The controlled environment also helps to reduce the use of pesticides and other chemicals, thus making the produce organic and free from chemicals.
Secondly, polyhouse farming helps to increase the yield of the crops. As the environment inside the polyhouse is controlled, the crops can grow faster and healthier. Moreover, the use of drip irrigation, water and nutrient management systems, and other modern technologies help to improve the yield of the crops.
Thirdly, polyhouse farming helps to reduce the amount of water required for irrigation. As the environment is controlled, the amount of water required is much less than compared to open field cultivation. This helps to reduce water wastage and also increases the efficiency of water usage.
Finally, polyhouse farming helps to reduce the cost of production. As the environment is controlled, the cost of labor, inputs, and other production costs are much lower than that of open field cultivation. This helps to reduce the overall cost of production and makes it more profitable for the farmers.
Overall, polyhouse farming is becoming increasingly popular in India due to its numerous advantages. It helps to protect the crops from extreme weather conditions and pests, increases the yield of the crops, reduces the amount of water required for irrigation, and reduces the cost of production. All these factors make polyhouse farming an ideal option for farmers in India.
Natural Ventilation Polyhouse Vs. Fan & Pad Polyhouse
A natural ventilation polyhouse is an enclosed structure with openings at the top and bottom to allow for air circulation. This type of polyhouse is relatively simple to construct and can be used in a variety of climates. The natural ventilation helps to keep the temperature and humidity levels within the polyhouse stable, while also reducing the risk of pests and diseases. The main drawback of a natural ventilation polyhouse is that it can be difficult to control the temperature and humidity levels precisely, as they are largely dependent on the outside environment.
A fan & pad polyhouse, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated structure that uses a combination of mechanical and natural ventilation systems to maintain optimal growing conditions. This type of polyhouse is typically equipped with fans and vents to help regulate the temperature, as well as dehumidifiers and humidifiers to maintain the desired humidity level. This allows for much greater control over the growing environment, as well as a more consistent climate throughout the structure. The main downside of a fan & pad polyhouse is that it can be costly to install and maintain.
Ultimately, the type of polyhouse that is best suited for a particular application will depend on the specific needs of the grower.
Polyhouse farming is an efficient and cost-effective way of farming that can help farmers maximize their crop yields and reduce the risk of crop loss due to environmental factors. It provides a controlled environment that is beneficial for both plants and farmers alike, allowing farmers to maximize the production of their crops while minimizing the cost of production. With its many advantages and benefits, polyhouse farming is a great option for farmers who want to increase their yields and reduce the risk of crop damage due to environmental factors.
Agriplast Protected Cultivation is the most trusted polyhouse manufacturer in India. Our polyhouse experts provide workable solutions to ensure our clients enjoy continuous growth with the help of our services. Find out more about our services today!